Sabotaging yourself 101


Have you ever had that agonising desire to want to make someone that has hurt you feel guilty and bad, yet at the same time know that if you say what you want to, you will burn any rickety bridge you may have managed to scrap together, possibly forever? That feeling sucks. A lot.

It’s one of the worst feelings because whichever side you choose – the logical one (i.e. the one where you don’t destroy your friendship) or the illogical one (i.e. the one where you scream how hurt and upset you are) – you can never win. If you choose the logical one you will most likely harbour negative feelings towards that person for a long time. It will bubble under the surface and sneak up on you, suddenly erupting into unjustified anger and frustration. If you choose the illogical one you will feel amazing for exactly 10 seconds before realising that what you have just done has neither helped you nor the person you just blew up at. Catch 22, huh?

Now, you’re probably expecting this post to have a nice easily carried out resolve. Wrong. I have no idea and I’m in this exact situation this very minute. In fact I’m writing this at college while think how to avoid the interaction at all costs. How do you tell someone you love that you don’t like them at the moment? I have no idea, but my solution, albeit a very crappy one, is to just ignore it and pretend everything is okay. I’ll report back how it goes, but don’t hold your breath.


(Side note, I’m pretty sure the person sitting next to me just passed gas and I’m not very happy about it)

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