Music Monday #1


I'm going to be doing a new weekly series called 'Music Monday' (original, innit?). Hopefully it might expand your (and mine) listening repertoire, as I know how easy it is to fall into a pattern of listening to the same artists on repeat. Here's week #1.

FOREVER DON'T LAST - Jazmine Sullivan

This powerful song is made by Sullivan's incredible husky and strong voice. You really feel the emotion, the hurt and almost bitterness she is portraying.


Pop at it's finest - contemporary sounding but unique in today's slightly monotonous chart toppers. The infectious chorus and synthy hook will stick in your head, but it an good way.

COFFEE - Miguel

I don't know what it is about this song, but the hook takes me right back to the 00's. The melody is so noughties to me and I love it. An amazing song, if you know which song it might be reminding me of, tell me in the comments!

MY GARDEN - Kat Dahlia

Dahlia really brings it to this track. Rapping, husky experimental vocals and provocative lyrics combine to make an addictive song. Must listen.

PIERRE -Ryn Weaver

This is such a road trip song. A constant bass drum and catchy guitars keep this song fun and almost folk-pop anthemic.

If you liked these and want to keep up with what I'm loving - follow me on Spotify @ Ally Smith - where you can listen to all my Music Monday's in one place!

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